Young Entrepreneurs Day✨

🚀Am 28.05. fand zum aller ersten Mal der Young Entrepreneurs Day in Kärnten statt. 8 verschiedene…

Slovenian Delegation of Teachers in Klagenfurt!

On April 24th, a Slovenian delegation made of teachers, school directors, municipality officials and…

Startup Carinthia Talks: vielen Dank!

Am 12.04.2024 haben wir die Freude gehabt, Dr. @fischerkorpchrista bei der dritten Auflage von “Startup…

Startup Carinthia Talks: »Frauen reden – Männer sprechen«

Wir freuen uns, gemeinsam mit unserem Partner ASEP, euch zu der neuesten Auflage unserer Eventreihe „Startup…

Save the date! 23.11.2023

Yes, it's that time of year again: LET’S PARTY! We cordially invite you…

Spark your startup journey: Join us at ‘Startup Sparks 23’ on November 23, 2023!

We are excited to host our very first startup fair at Makerspace Carinthia on November 23, 2023 - to…

Einladung zum ‘Startup Carinthia Talk’: »Leadership, Glück und die Kunst des Führens«

Wir freuen uns, euch zur neuesten Ausgabe unserer Eventreihe 'Startup Carinthia Talks’ einzuladen! Am…

Discover Carinthia’s startup landscape!

After intense collaboration with the startup community, we are happy to present our latest project: the…

A year of growth, collaboration and community impact: Our journey in review

Let's take a moment to look back and reflect on the incredible journey we have been on this…

Dr. Enigma presents “Hacking Enigma”

What an intriguing evening it was! May 25th marked the debut of our event series, 'Startup Carinthia…